The Creek That Lost It's Banks

The water is normally 6'-8' below this bridge.

 The kids thought it was like being at a water park.

Our good friend's house was built with channels under it for the water to flow through in the event of a flood.  Seems to be working.

20" of water over the access road to our house!

Normally, it is a small little creek that runs near a few houses.  The area has not seen a flood like this in anyone's memory.  One of our neighbors that has lived here all of his life said that his parents told him stories a a flood that nearly took out their bridge when he was 3 years old.  He is now 73 years old and his bridge is under at least a foot of water; parts of have collapsed.

Thankfully, we live 250' vertical feet up the mountain from the creek.  We are safe and our chickens are safe.  It will be days before we can leave and months before repairs will be completed.  The snow starts in October ...

We love living here, but it isn't always easy.  On a positive note, we are unlikely to experience any tropical storms.
