Today I received a request from our adoption coordinator regarding a library of books that I used to keep in one of the boy's bedrooms when we were foster parents getting ready to adopt our sons. Several of these books we loved enough that I kept spare copies and handed them out to families that we came into contact with during that season of our lives. I've included the list here just in case we have a few that you do not have in your library. Please reply in the comments with any books that your family has in your library of Adoption and Foster Care Books and I will add them to our list and very likely also to our library.
Our boys have been "our boys" for several years now, but I find they still enjoy reading many of these books and that they help us to keep the topic of foster care and adoption on the table and open for discussion whenever they would like. We don't talk about it daily or even weekly anymore (I promise that day will come for your family too) and have fallen into just being a family that happens to be put together by God's creative hand using a little of this (birth) and a little of that (adoption) and a heavy sprinkling of patience and love.
Now our library of Foster Care and Adoption books are sprinkled throughout the different bookshelves in the house along side Dr. Seuss, Disney and Magic Treehouse (to name a few current faves ..). From time to time I will have to hunt down a specific book to read at bedtime or to help one of my little guys get over a rough spot in his history in a less challenging manner (talking about a little bird is WAY easier than talking about one's self), but for the most part I use the books now to help school rooms and classmates understand foster care and adoption whenever a refresher course is needed.
I hope you find something from this list to benefit your family:
Blessing from Above (Little Golden Book) [Hardcover], Patti
Mother for Choco (Paperstar) [Paperback], Keiko
Terrible Thing Happened - A story for children who have witnessed
violence or trauma [Paperback], Margaret
M. Holmes
My First Mother Love Me?: A Story for an Adopted Child [Hardcover], Kathryn
Ann Miller
Day: Celebrating Ethan's Adoption Anniversary [Paperback],
Love You Through And Through [Board
book], Bernadette
Rossetti Shustak
Lucy's Family Tree [Paperback], Karen Halvorsen Schreck
My Adopted Child, There's No One Like You (Birth Order Books) [Hardcover], Dr. Kevin Leman, Kevin II II Leman
Days: A Book for Children in Foster Care [Paperback],
Mulberry Bird: An Adoption Story [Hardcover],
Braff Brodzinsky
Star: A Story to Help Young Children Understand Foster Care
[Paperback], Cynthia
Miller Lovell
Belong Together: A Book About Adoption and Families
[Bargain Price]
Home, Forever Child: A Celebration of Children Adopted as Toddlers,
Preschoolers, and Beyond [Paperback],
New Home: A Story for Foster and Adopted Children [Paperback], Geraldine
M. Blomquist
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