What they pray about ...

During devotional time after breakfast we had some really great discussion.  The kids were supposed to ask me about something I had prayed about and how it had been answered.  I reflected for a moment and then decided to be honest with something they could understand.

The boys all know that I had wanted a daughter for a long time, but what they didn't know was that I had been praying for and about her when my darling husband and I were awaiting our next placement.  When she didn't arrive after months and months I changed my prayer to be for the child that God would bring into our home.  I prayed specifically that the child that was going to come to us would be kept safe from imminent harm and that God would protect that child's heart and ears to keep them pure like children should be.  (If you have any knowledge about foster care then you know exactly what I am talking about here.)  All the while I prayed this specific prayer I was also keenly aware of what has to happen in a child's life for them to come under the umbrella of the state's protection.  Rather than worry I left the healing and details to God.

I went on to tell them about a day I remember that was like any other.  I was at work busy running around town from one vendor to the next and on to a networking meeting when I saw these two young children playing in the drainage area near one of my vendors.  The drainage area was relatively free to debris, but near a busy street.  I didn't see an adult around to supervise them.  I thought about calling someone, but never made the call.  Instead, I said a little prayer for them that they would be kept safe and I kept moving with my day.

Less than a month later we received a placement inquiry for a sibling group of 3 which we accepted.  In the chaos that followed I forgot about those children and my concern for them.  Imagine my surprise when I stopped by that same vendor and had the children ask if I was taking them to see their birth dad.  When I asked why they would think that they replied,  "He works at XYZ, right there" and pointed to the store next door to the vendor I had planned to visit.  I will never know if these two little ones (plus one) were the children I saw playing in the drainage area that day.  I had asked that they would be kept safe and I know that God heard me.

After telling them that story they all shot up their hands to tell me what they pray about and their answers were all over the map.

One had been praying for a new dog, but hadn't told us about it.
Thank you ... we now have Zoey.

One always prays for Daddy to be safe when he travels.
I hope his prayer is always answered, as it is my prayer as well.

The last two threw me a little sideways because they have been praying for a sister.  They weren't copying one another because they said it at the same time.  I explained that I think we have a great family already, but stopped short of asking them not to pray for a sister.  Prayer life is such a delicate area and I don't want to be a stumbling block to them.  Maybe their hearts will change and their prayers will change too or maybe there is someone else in God's plan for our family.  I think we are done, but then again I never thought we would have 4 children and 3 dogs.
